
friday, i'm in love

i'm taking a page (post?) from the playbook of one of my fave bloggers - maggie over at freckled citizen - and doing a weekly rundown of things i'm digging. having spent 4 out of 7 days in bed recovering from a lack of wisdom teeth, the standard for awesomeness isn't very high this week, but here we go:


if you haven't yet taken 30 minutes out of your life to watch an episode of portlandia, then i am sad for you. this show is ridiculous - and it stars one of my all-time faves, fred armisen. it definitely teeters a little bit on the absurd side of comedy, but if you have any sense of irony, i promise that you will love this. give it a shot! catch up on all the episodes here. still not sold? watch this without laughing:

new boots!

yes, they're as ubiquitous on the streets of manhattan this winter as piles of snow covered garbage bags, but i finally caved and bought myself a pair of hunters. why the sudden purchase? funny you should ask. turns out i had a giant gash in my old rainboots, and it took me more than one episode of soaking wet feet to even realize there could be a hole. le sigh. anyways, i love the color i got! don't see too many in this shade. and no holes means dry socks! yay!


burgers... mmm meat

so i went vegan for the month of january, and actually totally loved it. i felt great, cooked awesome food, didn't feel deprived of anything, and i think i can do it for longer than a month. however, having been on a liquid diet of soups and smoothies for the past week, all i can think about is the day when i can sink my teeth into one of these babies from shake shack... just one, and then back to being vegan-ish. and also maybe a quick trip to hill country. and then i'm back on the vegan train. yep. definitely.



their song "the cave" is on constant repeat on my iPhone. listen. love.

what are you loving this week?


  1. Wooooot! Long live former angsty suburban goths!

    Anyway, I have several of your posts open on my computer at home to comment on, but it's been "one of those weeks" and it hasn't happened yet, and now I'm on a train with my abominable snowman parka (sound familiar?) and it won't happen. However, I'm delighted you're blogging again, and second every one of these picks. Have a great weekend!

  2. definitely feels good to be back! enjoy your weekend in CT, and hoping that all your real estate woes work themselves out - going through similar circumstances myself, but with a slightly more dramatic outcome. but that's a whole 'nother blog post :)
