
friday, i'm in love (#nerdalert)

was it just me or was that the longest week ever? thank god for democracy... and three day weekends to celebrate various presidents! oh also, ya know, representative government and all that jazz. but really, the true value is in this upcoming holiday. and how do i plan on spending that extra 24 hours of freedom? with an extra yoga class and some extra cooking adventures, of course. yes, my life is just that exciting. also looking forward to a surprise birthday party on saturday, and possibly a date to that party... anyways, during this ridiculously long week, here's what kept me going:

the hairpin


as a long-time regular reader of gawker and jezebel (by regular reader, i mean they were both always open on my browser, and i probably got half of all my news from them), i have struggled with their redesigns. ugh, i mean i hate them and i haven't even visited either site in a week. but that left me without my daily dose of well-curated content. enter the hairpin (and its older brother, the awl). it's my new favorite place on the interwebs. need an intro? how about rumors i've heard about anna wintour? or, might i recommend my personal favorite series, letters to the editors of women's magazines? thank goodness for finding a new mental health hq online. read it, love it, spread the word. the hairpin rocks my socks.

janelle monĂ¡e

oh hey, remember the grammys? yeah, i blocked most of them from my memory as well. but, i do have to thank the recording academy for bringing janelle monay into my life. "tightrope" is my official morning "strutting down madison avenue" song these days. oh yes, that's what i do. i'll admit it. but hello? have you heard this song? it's the jam. plus i dig her style. 

warby parker

there is literally (LITERALLY) nothing worse than shopping for glasses. it is never a pleasant experience. i always thought it was one of those things that you'd never be able to buy online - and then, enter warby parker. my new obsession. and while guys might not make passes at girls who wear glasses, i'll be channeling my inner rachel maddow and rockin' these babies when they arrive next week. oh yes. nerdy chic indeed. plus, now i can wander around brooklyn and finally look like i belong! zing. pics to come!


happy three day weekend!


  1. Janelle Monae is the real deal, no doubt. Also, my teenage lesbian cousin has an enormous crush on her, which is beyond adorable.

  2. that is pretty much the cutest thing i've ever heard.
