
friday, i'm in love (and a big ol' wonky nerd)

after spending last week in our nation's capitol, witnessing democracy in action, i felt a wonk rekindling deep down inside. granted, that wonkiness has never been far from the surface, but this week has brought about some pretty nerdy things that i love. you might sense a theme here...

the west wing


PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD NO SPOILERS ALLOWED EVER AT ALL ON THIS TOPIC. so i was living in germany when the west wing began, way back in the 20th century, so i missed the first few seasons. upon returning to my beautiful homeland, i could have taken up watching it, but this was pre-TV on DVDs, so i would have been way behind. i decided to hold until i knew i could watch the entire series in all its epic glory... and that time finally came last september. i have since made my way all the way to the middle of season five, and there really aren't any words or descriptions i could add to what's already been said about this show. regardless, i love it. LOVE IT. and after not having watched it for a few weeks, i plopped myself down to enjoy some furious hallway walking with conversations spoken in rapid sorkin-ese, and what episode came up? none other than... shutdown! yep, it was a fantastic coincidence of life imitating art, and i relished it. anyways, i just love this show. and i'm hoping to stretch it as out as long as possible, because when it's over... well, it's over. and i'll be crushed.

morning joe


i'm the most ridiculous creature of habit - you really have no idea. it's worth a whole other blog post. i started watching the today show in the morning way back during freshman year of college, as a fresh-faced brand-new resident of nyc. i thought it was MIND-BLOWING that while sitting in my dorm room, i could tune into a tv show being filmed a mere 20 blocks away (note: i still experience this awe when watching SNL). plus, i could just see what the nice folks gathering in the plaza were wearing and figure out what the weather was like. genius, eh? so much easier than looking out the window, or, you know, stepping outside? anyways, fast forward a decade later, and i still watch the today show. and all i do is complain about it. what a load of morning drivel! and yet, each morning, i go on autopilot and turn it on. NO MORE, i say. no more. i finally decided to lean forward (get it? heh.) and change the channel to MSNBC for a hit of morning joe. yes, it's not easy missing out on incessant royal wedding updates, but i feel so much more connected to what's happening in the beltway, and i LOVE IT. plus, there's just the right amount of fluff, and i think we can all agree that mornings deserve a wee bit of fluff. it's only right. 

and finally...

i'm in. 

and i can't freaking wait. bring it on.

what are you loving this week?


  1. The shutdown episode is one of the best ever. As you can imagine, people here are constantly quoting it from it this week. Eeeeeeeeek!

  2. sometimes i really think i belong in the district. y'all are my peeps!! i would fit in so very well.
