
friday, i'm in love (and thankful that spring has sprung!)

it was a whopping 68 degrees here in the city yesterday, and today it will still be bright and sunshiney and warm. i am so relieved that spring didn't get lost, i was genuinely worried about that for quite a while. it's been a pretty rockin' week, and i've got big weekend plans ahead. i feel like 2011 is seriously just whizzing right by! not to mention i'll be hopping back on a plane on wednesday and heading to san francisco for work for a few days (tough life...). but before the weekend kicks off, here's what i'm loving this week.

jack barrett cabernet

this is my new fave bottle of vino. i picked it out on a whim, as i do most wines, based on the fact that it was a cab from CA, and the fact that i appreciated the label. i find this method often works out quite well, save for a few disastrous decisions. that being said, this bottle keeps reappearing on my "wine counter" (so fancy), and it never lasts too long. and yes, i live by myself and drink a glass of wine just about every night, what of it?  

coming home


this show. omg, this show! it is the highlight of my sunday evening. it's like all these producers got in a room and said, "let's create a show that will be sure to make meghan cry buckets of tears each and every week without fail." it's an hour of surprise military homecomings, which are near and dear to my heart. every time i watch, i remember the christmas that my dad showed up at the front door to surprise me and my sister because he had gotten off duty a few days early. we hadn't seen him in months and it was literally the best present ever. i know exactly how all the little kids in this show feel, and it just hits me so hard each week. but in a good way! this sunday, i'm having a few friends over for dinner and some wine to watch it with me so i don't have to cry by myself. 

kevin murphy hair gunk

i'm fairly certain that's the scientific name for this stuff. i'm not a huge product junkie - i'm a loyal kiehl's and clinique user - always have been, always will be. but the last time i got my hair chopped off, my stylist used this stuff on it, and it makes me so thankful to have short hair! it's magical - just a little dab in wet hair, let it air dry, scruff it up, and it's perfectly undone and textured and awesome. oh and it sure smells delicious. big fan.

stay tuned for a recap of what is sure to be quite the epic weekend... here's to hoping the weather stays this fantastic! 

1 comment:

  1. i've never heard of night rider. i'm going to look into this. i just cut my hair and have been searching for something to add a bit of texture. thanks for the heads up!
